YinYang001Phone (613) 401-1313
Email dlely@webhart.net

Site Map

The Link above is our home page, from here you will be able to find your way around. We hope you like what you read, hope it helps you on your journey through and through the most amazing life in the martial arts.

The link above is where you will find a brief understanding of what we do in our systems of Chinese Boxing.


The Link above is for our calendar of events.

The Link above is all of our contact information

The link above is will introduce the Grand Masters of our systems of Chinese Boxing.

Above is our link to introduce all of the students past and present.

Here you will find a link that shows you the common questions of a new student, or anyone trying to become educated in the martial arts, or martial arts terminologies.

Information Links
Above is all of our links to our web sites.

Above we will show past and present news stories about our club.

Photo Gallery
Our Photo Gallery has always been favoured by many students, and people visiting our site alike.

Above we have more stories from the press, or news stories


The link above is our page that shows the few products that we have for sale. One of the favourites is our T shirt for Ky Moo Kwan. Also to note, we have a few excellent video's for sale. These videos are of our forms, techniques and a few surprises.

The link above is all of the promotions that we will have during the year.

Above is our link that shows the services that we have for the public. When our master brought these amazing systems of Chinese Boxing to Pembroke he started many unique classes, not seen in this area before he came. Those classes were for senior citizens, women's self defense classes, and children's classes taught exactly the way that Grand Master Tallbear taught our master.